Wellbeing Coaching

Coaching with me..

Have you stopped recently to acknowledge "that feeling"?

Are you wanting to improve your wellbeing but are not getting anywhere or seem to get in your own way?

Do you have a sense of knowing that there is something more? 

Do you feel the urge to take the first steps of lasting change in an area of your life? Health, work, spirituality, purpose? 

Struggling with strong emotions & need guidance? 

Overthinking & spending way too much time in your head?

Not quite sure what or how to get where you'd really like to be?

As your coach, I can help guide you, stand alongside you as we explore your questions, dig deeper into what you really want or desire, look at any limiting beliefs or your wellbeing vision.

You will recieve wholehearted support as you reach a potential you may not see.

All sessions take place over zoom so you can be in a comfortable place in your home with no travelling to think about.

Get in touch & take that very first step by booking in a call.

How can having a coach help you?

"I can just talk to my friends/ family" 

This is a common belief & I always thought this too, however your friends/family have their personal beliefs & their lens or perspective will undoubtedly be biased & I'm sure they will always want the best for you. 

Let me share a very simple experience of mine that may help explain. 

It wasn’t until I was coached myself that I began experiencing something that had never happened to me before. As I was asked “what would I like to be coached on?”  I began to talk about a very, very emotive & overwhelming situation in my life… as I talked & talked, something beautiful happened…

I realised that I really felt that I was being truly listened to, there was no judgement or, no fear of judgement, I felt truly heard. In the past I have shared something quite deep & emotional & the moment I have paused, the other person simply changed the conversation & talked about themselves. This can feel devastating. 

With a coach I felt completely free to express myself without worrying about the other persons feelings & reactions. As an empath, this was a huge moment for me as I will very often adjust my excitement or strength of feelings & “look after” the other person. I felt heard & seen. 

I found being coached truly liberating.

Any solutions or insights came from ME, from within, led gently by intuitive questions from the coach. At no point was I advised or given a solution by the coach. It was so empowering.

So, how can a working with me as your coach help you?

You’ll most likely be pushed to learn more about yourself than you would have normally. I may ask you questions you may not have thought of .You may discover deeper insights into your life and get to explore your aspirations or we may look at any limiting beliefs that stop your reaching your full potential.

Having me as your coach can help you become more successful at meeting your goals and you will stay on track, sticking to your vision & from this you’ll find a deeper sense of confidence in yourself and your journey.

Coaching with me will help to ensure you get back on track if and when you falter or feel a lack of confidence.
Maybe being having a coach helps you during a period of your life where you need to be held accountable. 

Ask yourself,

How important is it to you to achieve your dreams and goals?Being held responsible for your own success?

When you share your vision out loud with me as your coach, you will be held accountable for your goals and are more likely to make them a priority.

Understanding yourself and what you want out of life and setting goals or a vision,  I can help you attain those results faster by giving you clarity & direction.

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  • coaching mood board

"Deb is an intuitive and natural born coach.

Her gentle, down to earth and nurturing approach enabled me to relax, open up and explore my true desires, blockages and forge a path to a clearer more visioned future.

I loved her multifaceted approach and how she was able to shed new light even on the things I thought I already had clarity on.

If you are looking for a coach who is person centred and heart led as well as highly skilled I couldn’t recommend Deb Green more".